


指揮者山田和樹氏には「耕平は、1音を聴いただけで、ただ者ではないと思った!」、ボストンポップスオーケストラの音楽監督であり指揮者であるKeith Lockhartには「サクソフォンのこんな音聴いた事がない。目が飛び出るほど驚いた!」と言わしめた。


2017年度第28回出光音楽賞受賞。2018年第9回岩谷時子賞 奨励賞受賞。現在、国内若手アーティストの中でもトップの位置をしめ、ソリストとしてNHK交響楽団、読売日本交響楽団、東京都交響楽団他、国内のほとんどのオーケストラと共演。

並行してサクソフォン四重奏「The Rev Saxophone Quartet」、吹奏楽団「ぱんだウインドオーケストラ」としても勢力的に活動し、クラシックと吹奏楽を両軸に、上野耕平ワールドを築き上げてきた。また、テレビ「題名のない音楽会」「妄想トレイン」への出演、NHK-FM「×(かける)クラシック」の司会などメディアとの相性も良い。


CDデビューは2014年「アドルフに告ぐ」。そして、2015年には「ぱんだウインドオーケストラ」、2017年には「The Rev Saxophone Quartet」としてもCDをリリース。最新作は5枚目のソロアルバム「Eau Rouge」(23年9月発売)。

Official website: http://uenokohei.com

《The Rev Saxophone Quartet》https://www.therevsq.jp/

《ぱんだウインドオーケストラ》コンサートマスター https://www.pandawindorchestra.com/


Born in Japan, Kohei started playing the saxophone at the young age of eight in his school band. He graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, instrumental music department.

Kohei had attracted public attention from an early age and made his debut while still in school. Reviews include:
“Listening to just one note, I knew Kohei was specially gifted.”
Kazuki Yamada, conductor
“I have never heard such sounds from a saxophone. He is an eye-opener.”
Keith Lockhard

Kohei made a sensational senior debut winning 1st prize at the 28th Japan Wind and Percussion Competition, youngest ever in its long history. In 2014, he won a prestigious 2nd prize at 6th Adolphe Sax International Competition in Belgium.

His recital in 2016 was a great success with all unaccompanied works at the B→C Concert. He continues to challenge new repertoires and pursues all possibilities of the saxophone.

His first CD album “Massage to ADOLPHE” was released in 2014.

The following year, he released a CD with Panda Wind Orchestra where he is concert master. 2017 saw his debut CD with The Rev Saxophone Quartet. His third solo album “Breath”, with the unaccompanied Bach, is scheduled to be released in December 2017.

Kohei has also appeared in various medias including the Japanese popular TV program “Untitled Concert” and ” Houdou Station” .

He is a member of The Rev Saxophone Quartet and concert master of Panda Wind Orchestra.